Procurement of Digital Solutions, Frequently Asked Questions
- What is PoDS?
- PoDS means Procurement of Digital Solutions. All digital solutions must be vetted by LAUSD through a PoDS application. Vendors and employees may submit an application depending on the use of the digital solution.
- What happened to the UDIPP?
- UDIPP has been replaced with PoDS.
- How does PoDS differ from the UDIPP website and application?
- PoDS houses two applications
- One of the applications is the old UDIPP application which is still completed by the vendor.
- The second application, completed by District employees, is Digital Solutions Request at
- There is a button “Claim an Application” next to “Start a New Application.” What is its purpose?
- Only vendors see “Claim an Application.” When an employee submits an application but additional technical information is required, the employee will receive notification explaining next steps. If ITS asks for additional technical information, the vendor will be required to assist in completing the application. The “Claim an Application” button will be used at this point.
- What happened to the already approved UDIPP applications? The approved UDIPP applications are still valid. Vendors may access them in their current “UDIPP” account.
- What happens after an application is submitted and how long does it take for review?
Once the application is processed and reviewed, the PoDS system will notify the applicant of the status of the application and next steps. Reviews take approximately ten business days.
- Is help available?
- Help is available. Please contact
- If a digital solution will not be used in a school, does it need to go through PoDS?
- Yes, it does because it’s a digital solution. If one is unsure whether the product needs PoDS review, please contact
- If the digital solution is free or not paid for with District funds, does it need to go through PoDS?
- All digital solutions that are used in District operations and classroom curriculum must go through PoDS.
- How many days does it take to review an application?
- Allow 10 days for our reviewers to complete the process. If the application needs correction, it will be returned to the vendor to allow edits and resubmission.