The Los Angeles Unified School District requires all suppliers of digital instructional software (curricula, software licenses and/or online subscriptions) to complete a Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan (UDIPP) application prior to use of these products in pre-K through 12 instruction in LAUSD. An approved UDIPP protects personally identifiable information (PII), product access and the District’s network when digital instructional software requires the exchange of student and/or employee information to enable access to log in and use the product.

NOTE: District UDIPP product approval and inclusion in the UDIPP online catalog does not ensure contract approval. UDIPP applications may require further review of items such as a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or terms and conditions by District Procurement Services Division (PSD) and/or Office of General Counsel (OGC) prior to issuance of a purchase order or contract.

The UDIPP application contains five (5) sections: Educational Requirements; Single Sign-On (SSO); Information Security (Levels 1 and 2); Student Data Privacy; and Learning Management System compatibility.

A fully completed and approved UDIPP application is required for all products.

The links below will take the reader to documents related to contractor requirements and data destruction policies.
LAUSD staff will find a catalog of product UDIPP applications and their status (accessible to LAUSD staff only)
NOTE: UDIPP applications are subject to audit. All vendors must provide product access for a rostered LAUSD student test account and a LAUSD teacher test account (formats for both will be provided by LAUSD). Access to all product features for each type of account is required (see Single Sign-on section). Failure to provide these accounts will result in rejection of the application.
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